The Daub Adoption Adventure

This blog was created to update our friends and family about our adoption of our new son.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Reunited with Our Little Boy!

Hello Friends and Family!
We are here in Siberia but without our luggage. They seem to not know where it is or when it will arrive. Please pray that it gets here soon. Tomorrow is court at 10am and of course our court clothes are in the luggage. Stacy went shopping and found Doug a dress white shirt to go with his khakies. John and Isabel (another couple that are adopting) went with Stacy which was nice company. Stacy also found some shoes for Nicholas. for the good stuff. We were reunited with Nicholas yesterday at a summer camp which was one hour drive from the hotel. We were nervous as we did not know how he would react to seeing us or if he would remember. They brought him in and he just stared at us almost in disbelief. Within a few moment he came over and shook our hands. After while they encouraged him to give us a hug which he did. We played with him and kept telling him what a good boy he was in Russian and how much we loved him. At one point he was across the room and he looked at Stacy. All of sudden he comes running into her arms and hugs her for dear life. HE kept pressing his cheek to hers while Stacy cried with joy. We did not expect that kind of reaction from him for some time. They brought in his snack ( bread pastry) which was about the size of his head. We kept saying that there was no way he could eat it. HE nested into Stacy's arms and ate his snack. At one point he layed his head back and just was smiling. The caretaker asked if he was happy and he said yes. We told him goodbye and he looked scared. We reassured him that we are coming back the next day.

Today we saw him in the morning. Right away he smiled and hugged us. We showed him a photo album which he loved to look at. He especially enjoyed the pictures of his sister and brother. We played and had fun tickling him and throwing him in the air. He also like doing back flips off Stacy's lap. It was so good to hear him laugh. His speech is very limited but today he was making all kinds of noises and sounds which was good. The caretaker said he is blossoming now that he has a mama and papa. Hopefully by Saturday we will get him. They said tomorrow will be too busy to pick him up which is disappointing. Hopefully we will be rested up for this active boy.

Wish us luck at Court!
Stacy and Doug


At 6:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Daubs,
It is great news to hear about reuniting with Nicholas. Soon you will have all the time you desire to spend with him. I can see where luggage would be helpful as well. Hopefully you will have it soon. Жизнь случается когда ваше занятое планирование (life happens when your busy making plans)

Enjoy your time with your new son. The FIA office is holding its own.



At 10:55 PM, Blogger Suzanne said...

I found your blog via John and Isabels. I just weep when I read your stories of seeing your children again. We are leaving in two weeks to go get ours.




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