The Daub Adoption Adventure

This blog was created to update our friends and family about our adoption of our new son.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Life as a Mother of three

Its 6am on Saturday morning and I (Stacy) can't sleep. Today I take Sarah to visit her friend Hannah, who was in the orphanage with her for a GIRLIE DAY. We are going to the Mall of America to Club Libby Lu for makeovers and have lunch. Our sweet Sarah is having a hard time not being the baby anymore and sharing her Mommy with the new boy. At time she is very excited about him and likes to play with him and other times she seems withdrawn and sad. I keep assuring her that I love her and she is my girl and no one can take the place of that. I think once school starts up again, she will be so busy she will not have time to worry. Today will be my first time leaving Nicholas so of course I am anxious. I am sure he will be just fine with his papa and "brat (Russian word for brother). Nick follows Collin around like a puppy dog and you can just see the hero worship in his eyes. These two boys were meant to be brothers.

Nick is doing pretty good. He has been our son now 2 weeks. He is such an active boy, full of energy. He is also trying to talk like crazy. All day long he is hitting me on the leg and trying to show me something or say something. I think once we get the tubes in his ears, he will make up for long lost time. The orphanage said he never talks on his own and will only repeat words if you ask him. Within 2 weeks he is making all kinds of sounds and is trying to say 2-3 word sentences. We can't get him to be quiet! ha! ha! Its amazing what love and attention does to a little soul. Eating is ok. Some days he eats everything we give him and some days he won't eat a thing. He loves apple juice, bananas and muffins. He also likes scrambled eggs, pasta and cream of wheat. He also loves tootsie pops. I keep a couple in my purse in case we need a diversion. We had his first picture taken yesterday at Wal-mart and he made us work to get him to smile. Anytime the photographer would do something silly to make him smile, he would repeat it. It took a long time but he did ok. I put one of his new outfits on and he looked so handsome. Can you believe it, he is 2T clothing, not 3T. I have no 2t clothes for him so Grandma came through with 3 outfits. I did get him some 2T jeans and a couple of short sleeve shorts.

Tonight Doug's family is throwing a 10th anniversary party for us at Pizza Ranch. We are looking forward to it. Collin insisted that he and his brother wear matching shirts so we got matching polos. I asked Sarah is she wanted to match and she rolled her eyes and said no way! That's my girl! I fianlly have added a picture of Nick in Red Square. Enjoy!


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